Finish the current sentence!

I’m about as happy as
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Top megaphores

I’m about as happy as blind poof in a hotdog factory
FraserM | 14/11/2023 | Permalink | MegaScore: 120
I’m about as happy as a beatific bundle of blissfulness.
PIP | 16/06/2024 | Permalink | MegaScore: 106
I’m about as happy as a termite in a lumberyard
Poco | 10/01/2023 | Permalink | MegaScore: 87
I’m about as happy as a crack addict
Charlotte | 23/07/2022 | Permalink | MegaScore: 78
I’m about as happy as prince andrew in a pizza parlour
Nathan | 16/04/2023 | Permalink | MegaScore: 66
I’m about as happy as Slag with a vape
Msl | 29/04/2024 | Permalink | MegaScore: 65

Finish a random sentence!

His handshake was so limp
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Top megaphores

His handshake was so limp - I think I touched a shrimp! Bestimmt*... (German for certainly*)
PIP | 16/06/2024 | Permalink | MegaScore: 102
His handshake was so limp It was like shaking hands with a dead fish.
OI! YOU! | 11/07/2019 | Permalink | MegaScore: 102
His handshake was so limp Bizkit, I just kept rollin' rollin' rollin'
Lilslugger | 10/11/2012 | Permalink | MegaScore: 52
His handshake was so limp on our first date it's like he wasn't even dead.
Dave's Mate | 08/11/2012 | Permalink | MegaScore: 29
His handshake was so limp I thought I had the wrong appendage
Slugger | 10/11/2012 | Permalink | MegaScore: 18
His handshake was so limp it was like shaking hands with a bit of lettuce
boobles | 12/10/2012 | Permalink | MegaScore: 18