That was over so fast I thought...

That was over so fast I thought the 3 hour queue for The Oblivion hardly seemed worth it
Quadraspaz | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 32
That was over so fast I thought I'd been beamed up by aliens
Karen | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 32
That was over so fast I thought maybe I shouldn't have slept with my hypnotist's wife
Bob | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 32
That was over so fast I thought we passed yussain bolt at some point...
default | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 32
That was over so fast I thought she didn't wake God said after doing Mary.
Slightly different blue | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 29
That was over so fast I thought damn this premature ejaculation problem of hers.
They call me the Jackhamm | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 26
That was over so fast I thought I need to hit the sumbitch who told me thinking of the Pope makes it last longer
Gadzooks | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 16
That was over so fast I thought there was nothing sensual about that lap dance
Disgruntled Punter | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 16
That was over so fast I thought we were gona overtake the speed of light...
d | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 16
That was over so fast I thought damn this premature ejaculation problem of mine.
Faroutman | 27/05/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 12

Finish the sentence!

That was over so fast I thought
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