If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than...

If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than Mr Rogers in a blood stained sweater.
Faroutman | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | E | MegaScore: 94
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than the Ultimate Warrior after he's charged himself up by shaking the ring ropes
Quadraspaz | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 74
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than Optimus Prime's lovechiled with a Tyrannosaurus Rex
Bob | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 69
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than Popeye's identical twin brother, Burstlung, after consuming his spinach equivalent, salmon en croute
doobleducks | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 51
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than a glue-sniffing koala bear
vanillabear | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 48
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than the legs of the orphan children I use to power my Castle of Doom
Gadzooks | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 48
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than Bond's Jaws, who has just eaten Speilberg's Jaws, with a side order of the power of grayskull....
Poostache | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 43
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than the steroid pumped lovechild of He-man and Chuck goddamn Norris
generic username | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 39
If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than a catholic priest who just drank Jesus' blood again
Slightly different blue | 16/04/2011 | Permalink | MegaScore: 29

Finish the sentence!

If I ate a dolphin I would be more powerful than
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